Monday, March 23, 2009

time track and cracked hearts

is anything really as it seems? life is one big mystery and i am one of those people who fight the urge to flip to the end of a suspense novel because i just have to know right now how things turn out. i have been waiting five years to see how things would turn out and i so wish i would have skipped ahead and peeked. so much time spent fighting and struggling and praying and toiling to reach this point and i feel like i've gone backward instead of forward. too bad time doesn't follow us on our little side tours of life. we continue to age at full speed, science still makes advancements, windows makes another service pack, and loan interest still compounds. and broken hearts, well sometimes they heal-and sometimes...they get harder and crack more and more until rendered useless.

"Pain is temporary...failure lasts forever."

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